During the summer of 2023 the blue marlin fishing was volatile, to say the least.  We (and other boats in the fleet) had a mix of great days and days when there didn’t seem to be any marlin around.

Our best fish of the season was a beautiful 750 plus caught by Nick Jones on standup gear after a tense and spectacular two hour battle.  On the release, this incredible creature swam off, strong as an ox!  We hope to see her again (preferably on the 4th of July at some point in the future)!


On the slower days we could keep our anglers occupied with a quick visit to inshore waters: ww always found the wahoo in our usual spots and those, combined with the odd mahi-mahi and tuna, provided good sport and fresh fish.

we’re looking forward to a good giant bluefin tuna season in early ‘24 and hopefully a great blue marlin season in the summer: come join us!